Marti Dicus' Classroom

  • Hello. I am a first grade teacher at CUSA. I graduated from Strath Haven High School in 1987, and West Chester University in 1992. I began my career in CUSD in 1995 at William Penn Elementary School. Since then, I’ve been at Main Street, Showalter and now CUSA. 


    Email Address:

    I'm always available through the remind app. if you are not connected send a text to: 81010 and text message @dicus2

    Zoom Hours: Monday-Friday 8:45-3:45


    When I am out go to Ms. Allen's zoom. You can find the link on the right.


    Imagine Learning

    Username is your child's 6 digit student ID number.  Please contact me if your child does not know their username!

    Password: cusa

    Site Code: 4205860


    Interim Progress Reports/Report Cards

    To get to Home Access Center do the following: (This is also in the 2021 CUSD Student Handbook)

    1.       Proceed to:

    2.       Click “Online Resources” on the left side of the website, choose “eschoolPLUS Resources”

    3.       Under “eschoolPlus Resources” you will find “Home Access Center”

    4.       Click on “Home Access Center”

    5.       Type in the User Name bar, your child’s username credentials.  (i.e.  jsmith1003323 )

    6.       Type in the Password bar, your child’s password credentials. (i.e. ??0000??)

    7.       Once in to Home Access Center, click on the icon that is red with an A+ inside of it (Grades)

    8.       Your interim grades are now being shown with comments to go along with the grades.



    Google Classroom:

    Below are steps for students to access google classroom. 

        1. Go to

        2. Click sign-in in the upper right-hand corner

        3. Sign in to Google with the user name (student email and password (students first two

            initials (capitalized) four digits and then lower case first and last initial

        4. Choose student

        5. Choose a classroom to join

           * If there is no class available click the + at the top right hand corner.

        - Type in the class code found on the teacher webpage and join the class requested.

    ** Students do not have access to email. This email was generated to allow students to access Google Classroom. **