Hi! My name is Mrs. Lewis and I teach first grade at CUSA. This is my fifth year as part of the CUSA family! I graduated from West Chester with my Bachelor's degree in education and Neumann University with a Master's degree.
Please remember that online learning is new to all of us and we are doing our very best to keep everyone updated and engaged in learning during this time! PLEASE reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns!
Google classcode: pofts3z
Accessing google classroom:
Use Provided Link
Enter username and password provided by Mrs. Lewis
Accessing Interim Report Grades:
To get to Home Access Center do the following: (This is also in the 2021 CUSD Student Handbook)
1. Proceed to Chester Upland School District's website.
2. Click “Online Resources” on the left side of the website, choose “eschoolPLUS Resources”
3. Under “eschoolPlus Resources” you will find “Home Access Center”
4. Click on “Home Access Center”
5. Type in the User Name bar, your child’s username credentials. (i.e. jsmith1003323 )
6. Type in the Password bar, your child’s password credentials. (i.e. ??0000??)
7. Once in to Home Access Center, click on the icon that is red with an A+ inside of it (Grades)
8. Your interim grades are now being shown with comments to go along with the grades.