Welcome Back!!
Greetings All,
I am Dr. Odom-Harris (Dr. OH) your Fine Arts Dance Instructor at CUSA. I am also home with my two children and family members just like you! This year will be great as we learn how to use our bodies to express ourselves and relieve stress. We will also learn how our bodies and minds work and how to keep them clean and healthy. Just like some of you, my family and I love to dance and workout. We use dance as a form of expression. Sometimes, we are inside other times we take our dancing outside. You will be learning new things this year. Be patient, take your time, and ask questions. Please remember to have fun and always try your best. If you can walk and workout, you can dance!!!
You will find your Fine Arts Learning Plan through your homeroom teacher's Google Classroom. One member of the Fine Arts Team will see you each day through your homeroom teacher's Zoom Room.
Well Dr. OH, what about your Zoom Room, you say? My Zoom Room will only be used for individual conferences with parents and students, as well as, office hours, which are listed above. If you need to contact me send me a message through your Google Classroom or email me at vodom@chesteruplandsd.org . We will be able to set up a meeting with you or any other appropriate parties.
We look forward to seeing you all again and meeting all of our new friends.
Stay Safe and Healthy,
Dr. OH (Dr. Vanessa Odom-Harris)
Fine Arts Dance Instructor CUSA
Let's Review my contact information:
My Zoom office hours are 8:45- 9:15 am, 3:30- 4:00 pm daily. If you would like to conference, I will be available during these times.
I am also available via email at vodom@chesteruplandsd.org. Please allow me 24 hours to respond.
Zoom Meeting ID: 995 3741 1774
Zoom Password: Dance
Zoom Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:45 am - 9:15 am
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Please check your student's Interim grades:
To get to Home Access Center do the following: (This is also in the 2021 CUSD Student Handbook)
1. Proceed to: www.chesteruplandsd.org
2. Click “Online Resources” on the left side of the website, choose “eschoolPLUS Resources”
3. Under “eschoolPlus Resources” you will find “Home Access Center”
4. Click on “Home Access Center”
5. Type in the User Name bar, your child’s username credentials. (i.e. jsmith1003323 )
6. Type in the Password bar, your child’s password credentials. (i.e. ??0000??)
7. Once in to Home Access Center, click on the icon that is red with an A+ inside of it (Grades)
8. Your interim grades are now being shown with comments to go along with the grades.
Due to the uptick in Covid cases in the city of Chester, the CUSD buildings will be closed from 11/16/2020 until 11/30/2020. We will notify our families when we have the capability to answer CUSA's lines remotely. Please communicate with your child's teacher or email your building principals should you have questions or have any concerns.