Welcome to my web page!
I am the occupational therapist at both Main Street School and Chester Upland School of the Arts. I work daily to provide skilled services to students from kindergarten to 5th grade as well as collaborating teachers, staff and parents to provided the the best level of services and supports to improve educational access. I am looking forward to working with you through these new and unprecedented times. Over the next few months I hope to work with students and parents/care takers to develop individualized plans and sessions for each student's needs. Below I have included some resources and activities that you can look at and use if you are looking for something extra while at home. Please feel free to reach out with questions through email and join me during my virtual office hours.
Zoom Password: OT
Email- cstarosta@chesteruplandsd.org
Typing and keyboarding activities
Typing is a critical skill for all students and as they progress in their education it becomes more important. Additionally in this time of virtual schooling will require more typing and computer use. The "Typing" link is a great free website that offers short typing/keyboarding lessons for student of all ages.
-create a log in and password and work your way through the lessons. (Sharing your information with me will allow for me to monitor progress and work on specific areas)