Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,
We will be using Zoom for real-time teaching and Google Classroom for assignments.
I have been a special education teacher for the past 14 years. I believe that all students should have the opportunity to learn and grow in an environment filled with kindness and respect.
Mrs. Fredericks and I will be working together this year. Mrs. Fredericks will be teaching English and Language Arts and social studies. I will be teaching math and science.
Technology Tip: If your device is not working properly, please shut down completely and restart. Also, for the device to work properly shut down each night and charge the device. If those tips do not work, please bring the device to the school so it can be exchanged for another device.
So please, ZOOM IN,
Mrs. Feinberg
Expectations and Norms for In-Person Learning
a) Before entering the classroom, please use hand sanitizer.
b) Bring your IPAD or Chromebook as well as the charger daily. Make sure your IPAD or Chromebook is charged and ready to go daily.
c) Social distance by maintaining 6 feet distance between you and other people in the classroom and hallways and wear a mask.
d) Wipe down your desk, when you travel to another classroom.
e) Come prepared to listen, participate and engage with your classmates, both in-person and those on zoom.
Expectations and Norms Virtual Learning
a) Before entering the zoom classroom, please turn on your camera. I want to see your smiling face.
b) Make sure your IPAD or Chromebook is charged and ready to go daily.
c) Come prepared to listen, participate and engage with your classmates, both in-person and those on zoom.
Contact Info:
Phone Number: 610 447-3815