Hello, everyone! I teach Writing Special for grades k - 5.
My E-mail is: jtsacher@chesteruplandsd.org
Writing Special Google classroom codes for the
Third Marking Period ONLY
Kindergarten : wuis2bi
1st Grade sd4swqu
2nd Grade : uxwscsp
3rd Grade : 75lo32a
5th Grade: qu3opzn
My Schedule for the 3rd Marking Period:
8:45 – 9:15 Support
9:15 – 10:00 Intervention
10:00 – 10:45 “K” Ms.Tiller
10:45 – 11:30 A. P. Planning
11:30 – 12:15 1st Grade Ms. DiFurio
12:15 – 1:00 5th Grade Ms. Murgia
1:00 – 1:45 2nd Grade Ms. Docherty or My Zoom
1:45 – 2:30 Lunch
2: 30 – 3:15 3rd Ms.Sargent
NOTE: I usually run over for this period, because the children are so interested in the writing!
3:20 - 4:00 My Zoom Room:
Important Notice! If I am out absent from class, and you need to get into the Substitute Teacher's Zoom room, first go to Principal Parker's Zoom Room and she will tell you how to go to the Substitute Teacher's room.
Hi, everyone!
Welcome back to school, and a different way to learn! We can do this! Don't worry. It will be a challenge, but that is what makes learning exciting and new. And, it will be fun!
Are you ready for writing? It's easy!
I'll come and visit you in your regular classroom, just like we all used to do. I'll be there in the teacher's ZOOM class for Writing Special.
Later in the school year, we may go to my Google classroom to do more writing.
If you need to hand in your writing late because of problems, you can put your writing into my Google Classroom. Be careful! There are cut-off dates for Writing Assignments.
Did you know? ALL students can access Google by putting in their emails and passwords
Assignments: click on Google Classroom
Not sure how to do it? Here you are!
1. Go to www.google.com
2. Click sign-in in
(OR, go to classroom.google.com)
3. Sign in to Google with the STUDENTS user name (not the parents account), the student email address and password (students initials (first name and then the last name) initials capitalized, four digits and then lower case first and last initial
4. Choose student
5. Choose a classroom to join
6. THEN, find your grade and put your assignment in it.
* If there is no class available click the + at the top right hand corner.
- Type in the class code found on the teacher webpage and join the class requested.