Margaret DiFurio's Classroom

  • Welcome! A little personal information about me: I am married and have 3 children. I attended Widener University where I graduated with a B.A. in Psychology and a M.Ed. in Elementary Education. This is my 22nd year teaching in Chester Upland.

    Some of my favorite things are: reading, doing puzzles, spending time at the Jersey shore, playing with my dogs, and of course, DISNEY! 


    All students are required to log into the Zoom room at 8:45 AM. You will be placed in a "waiting room" and then let into the class. There will be a link on the right to see weekly assignments.


    Zoom Meeting ID :  251 697 9168

    Password is: difurio

    Join my Google classroom! The weekly assignments are also posted in my Google Classroom. You can check there for all assignments and other information.

    How to access my Google Classroom:

    1. Go to

    2. Click sign-in in the upper right-hand corner

    3. Sign in to Google with the user name and password 

    User name is: student's email address   (first initial and last name and id number  Ex.

    Password is: student's first and last initial (capitalized) four digits and then lower case first and last initial Ex. CP1234cp   

    **email me if you need your password**

    4. type in classroom

    5. Click student

    6. Click continue

    7. Choose a classroom to join

    * If there is no class available click the + at the top right hand corner.

     - Type in the class code. 

    CLASS CODE TO JOIN: sh7rqc2