Welcome to Mr. Saterfield's page! We have just started our third marking period, therefore our Google Classrooms have changed. Please locate your course and go to the appropriate link.
Contact Information
Email: dsaterfield@chesteruplandsd.org
"A" Weeks
5/7/2021 (Half-Day)
"B" Weeks
5/28/2021 (B Day)
6/11/2021 (Graduation: No School)
American History
Welcome to Mr. Saterfield's American History Class! American History meets on Mondays and Wednesdays and "A" Fridays at 9:35 a.m. Attendance is taken daily using a Daily Attendance form. These are ungraded but can be awarded extra credit depending on the situation. The Syllabus is posted and is subject to change per the directive of Chester High School.
World of Work
Welcome to World of Work! Mr. Saterfield teaches Periods 2,3, 4/5, and 10. Please fill out the Daily Attendance Forms, they are ungraded but they can be awarded extra credit. Please watch the DocHub video for we will use this software from now on in this class.