About Us

  • Chester High School is a comprehensive and vocational-technical high school. This year, Chester High School features a proven and experienced new leadership team with a focus on:

    • School safety
    • High expectations and maintaining C-Pride n Honors Academy for high performing students
    • 9th Grade Academy to prepare new students for the high school experience
    • Career Technical Education
    • State-renowned sports programs

    In addition to the basic core curricular programs, student preparation includes academic seminars and tutoring (during/after the school day), and computer assisted programs, including Achieve 3000 [reading] and First in Math & Apangea [Mathematics]. Extracurricular programs include Instrumental Music/band and General Music, football, basketball, volleyball, cheerleading, baseball, tennis, track and club activities.

    2023-2024 CHS CSI Plan


    Dear Students and Parents: 

    It is an honor to introduce myself as the new principal of Chester High School. It is with a sense of excitement that I welcome you to the 2023-2024 academic year.

    As your principal, I look forward each day to strengthening the relationships that I have begun building with our wonderful students, families, teachers, staff, and community partners. We will continue the commitment to helping all children develop their intellectual capacity, academic skills, and social competence so that they will be prepared to effectively negotiate the demands associated with living in an ever-changing 21st century.

    Beyond the rigors of their academic program, it is our aim to instill within each student the essential principles of pride, respect, and responsibility so that they will become productive and contributing members of our increasingly global society. High expectations, established by our qualified and dedicated staff, will be maintained, while also providing a safe and nurturing student-centered community that fosters respect for individual differences.  At Chester High, we will strive to make the learning process a positive and rewarding experience while maintaining a desire to develop a generation of inquisitive young people who will become lifelong students in their various pursuits of excellence.

    I look forward to working with active and involved parents who help to make our school a wonderful place for our students to learn and grow.  I anticipate doing whatever I can to support their efforts and encourage you to become a member of the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).

    Volunteering and participating in various events throughout the school year will also benefit not only your child, but all of the students at Chester High School. 

    So that you remain informed, please visit our website for the most up-to-date information about our school and all things CLIPPERS.  

    LaMonte D. Popley M.Ed. 


Contact Us

  • Mr. LaMonte Popley, Principal
  • Dr. Tahira Burrell, Assistant Principal
  • Mr. Kelly Parker, Assistant Principal
  • 610-447-3700