CHS Laptop Cart Sign-Out

  • Laptop carts are available for sign-out by teachers. 

    Cart Information

    • There are two carts for the second floor C side located in Ms. Foreman's room (C203).
    • There is one cart for the 4th floor A side located in Ms. Archibald's room (A408).
    • There are two carts for 5th floor A side located in Dr. Wright's (A510) and Mr. Dowling's (A532).

    In order the share the laptop carts, there is a calendar to reserve the carts. To check the availability of the carts, click on this calendar link. To reserve a cart, email Mr. Buonocore and he will add you to the calendar on a first email, first-served basis.

    When you reserve a laptop cart, you assume responsibility for it. Please make sure all the laptops and chargers are returned to the cart at the end of the reservation. If there is any damage or other issues, please notify Mr. Buonocore or Mr. Thompson.