A copy of the district's "Policy 249: Bullying/Cyberbullying" can be viewed here.
A copy of the district's Bullying Report Procedure can be viewed here.
If You Are Being Bullied…
- Talk to your parents or an adult you can trust, such as a teacher, school counselor, or Many teens who are targets of bullies do not talk to adults because they feel embarrassed, ashamed, or fearful, and they believe they should be able to handle the problem on their own. Talk to a trusted adult who can help you develop a plan to end the bullying and provide you with the support you need. If the first adult you approach is not receptive, find another adult who will support and help you.
- Act Hold your head up, stand up straight, make eye contact, and walk confidently. A bully will be less likely to single you out if your project self‐confidence.
- Try to make friends with other A bully is more likely to leave you alone if you are with your friends. This is especially true if you and your friends stick up for each other.
- Avoid situations where bullying can happen. If at all possible, avoid being alone with bullies. If bullying occurs at school, avoid areas that are isolated or unsupervised by adults, and stick with friends as much as possible.
- If necessary, take steps to rebuild your self‐confidence. Bullying can affect your self‐confidence and belief in Finding activities you enjoy and are good at can help to restore your self‐esteem. Consider participating in extra‐curricular activities or joining a group outside of school, such as an after‐school program, church youth group, or sports team.
- Do not resort to violence or carry a weapon. Carrying a weapon will not make you safer. Weapons often escalate conflicts and increase the chances you will be seriously Finally, it is illegal for a teen to carry a weapon; it can lead to criminal charges and arrest.
If Someone Else is Being Bullied…
- Refuse to join in if you see someone being bullied. It can be hard to resist if a bully tries to get you to taunt or torment someone, and you may fear the bully will turn on you if you do not participate, but try to stand firm.
- If you can do so without risk to your own safety, get a teacher, parent, or other responsible adult to come help immediately.
- Speak up and/or offer support to bullied teens when you witness For example, help them up if they have been tripped or knocked down. If you feel you cannot do this at the time, privately support those being hurt with words of kindness or condolence later.
- Encourage the bullied teen to talk with parents or a trusted adult. Offer to go with the person if it would help. Tell an adult yourself if the teen is unwilling to report the bullying. If necessary for your safety, do this anonymously.
If You Are Being Cyber‐Bullied…
- Tell a trusted adult about the bullying, and keep telling until you find someone who takes action.
- Don't open or read messages from cyber bullies.
- Tell a teacher or administrator at your school if it is school related.
- Don't erase the messages: They may be needed to take action.
- Protect yourself: Never agree to meet face to face with anyone you meet online.
- Don’t share personal information or passwords with anyone.
- If bullied through chat or instant messaging, the "bully" can often be blocked.
- If you are threatened with harm, inform the local police.
1. Encourage your child to report bullying incidents to you.
- Validate your child's feelings by letting him/her know that it is normal to feel hurt, sad, scared, angry,
- Let your child know that s/he has made the right choice by reporting the incident(s) to you and assure your child that s/he is not to
- Help your child be specific in describing bullying incidents: who, what, where, (Look for patterns or evidence of repeated bullying behaviors.)
2. Ask your child how s/he has tried to stop the bullying.
3. Coach your child in possible
- Avoidance is often the best strategy.
- Play in a different place
- Play a different game
- Stay near a supervising adult when bullying is likely to occur.
- Look for ways to find new friends.
- Involve your child in social activities outside of
4. Treat the school as your ally.
- Share your child's concerns and specific information about bullying incidents with appropriate school personnel.
- Work with school staff to protect your child from possible retaliation
- Establish a plan with the school and your child for dealing with future bullying incidents.
5. Encourage your child to seek help and to report bullying incidents to someone s/he feels safe with at the school:
- Adult in charge of a specific activity or area (such as the playground, lunchroom, field trips, bus lines, gym, classroom)
- Teacher
- Counselor
- Principal
6. Use school personnel and other parents as resources in finding positive ways to encourage respectful behaviors at school.
- Volunteer time to help supervise on field trips, on the playground, or in the lunchroom.
7. Encourage your child to continue to talk with you about all bullying incidents.
- Do not ignore your child's report
- Do not advise your child to physically fight (Bullying lasts longer and becomes more severe when children fight back. Physical injuries often result.)
- Do not confront the child who bullies.
- Do not confront the family of the child who bullies.