Hello Students and Families! I hope this finds you all well. I am the itinerant special education teacher for CHS as well as the Camelot program. This page is designated for you to find your assigned Google Classroom that has your assignments. You can reach me in several different ways.
Email CHS: lhurst@chesteruplandsd.org
Email Camelot: lhurst@camelotforkids.org
Phone Number: Upon request
Office Hours: Wednesdays 9:00-11:37 CHS Students/Family, 11:37-2:30 Camelot Students/Family
Hello Everyone! My name is Mrs. Lauren Hurst. I am the Itinerant Special Education teacher for all Camelot students as well as Itinerant 12th grade students at Chester High School. I have been a teacher at CHS for 4 years. I have a Master's degree in Educational Leadership from Neumann University and I am certified in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education and Special Education.
On this page you will find information in regards to assignments, schedules, and any other academic related information with online learning. You will also find the link for my Google Classroom as well as Easy CBM. Please note that I have Zoom office hours for Chester High School Itinerant 12th grade students as well as Camelot Students. All assignments will be submitted through Google classroom or Easy CBM for progress monitoring. If you have any questions please email me.