The Chester Upland School District is required to support the education of homeless children and youths under the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Homeless children and youths are defined as individuals who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence.
If you are in need of homeless services, please contact:
Dana M. Bowser, MSW, CUSD Homeless Liaison
267-668-3492 (Office),
As a part of the federal guidelines, CUSD shall not deny immediate enrollment due to any requirements, and all homeless students are entitled to:
- Attendance in their school of origin or school of current residence
- Immediate enrollment
- Transportation (if applicable)
- Immediate access to educational services for which they are eligible (Title I, special education, gifted, career technical education, after school programs
- Free meals provided by the district through food programs
- Appeal educational placement decisions made by the district